The Support System You Need
Because life has inevitable downs and having people you can lean on is vital.
Hey hopeful romantics,
This week I’m keeping things short and sweet. To say the least: I had a rough past several days. I’m still coming to terms with the hateful words that come with being someone who posts their thoughts and feelings online.
I slowed down this week because I had to. So my thoughts just aren’t composed enough to write a long email.
But what this experience made me realize is how important a support system is, so let’s talk about that.
But first, if you’re struggling with a breakup or using your time while you’re single to better yourself and grow, I’ve got you covered.
My new book, What I Wish I Knew About Love, is packed with lessons and stories that will help you move past heartbreak and into more self-love. There are chapters on:
How to tell if you’re with the wrong person.
Ways to care for yourself after a breakup.
Getting in touch with your authentic self.
Little reminders for when you forget your self-worth.
If this sounds like exactly what you need, order my book below. If you do, send me an email with your order number, and I’ll send you my Boundaries Guide as a token of my gratitude. ❤️
Now onto support systems…
Even though this week was rough, it revealed to me the exact framework of my support system.
I have a caring boyfriend who let me vent to him and bought candy with me after one of the worst days. I have friends who hike with me or text with me about how big of asshats some people can be.
So now my question is, who is your support system?
If you have a partner, do you feel comfortable opening up to them? Can you vent without them trying to “fix things”? If you said no, what conversations need to happen so that you can?
If you’re single, do you have friends or family you can reach out to? If not, who can you re-establish a connection with so that you do?
And, if things are bad enough, do you have a therapist or counselor that you can talk to? If not, have you researched how to find an affordable one?
Without a support system, you could quietly slip into isolation, hiding your problems and letting them consume you. But with one, that could be the tiny amount of support you need to get through those hard parts in life.
It’s OK not to be OK. Everyone experiences hard times. And if you reach out to/ask for support, I’m sure you’d be surprised how many people will be there for you.
If you have questions on this or something you want to say, post them in the comments! I’m curious what your thoughts or experiences are.
Until next week my amazing reader; I’m sure I’ll have more to say then ❤️
All the love,
Content I Loved:
3 Early Signs Of A Toxic Relationship (Video)
The Type of Love That Makes People Happiest
How a Sleep Divorce Could Make Your Relationship Stronger
The most common relationship issues for cohabiting couples right now
‘Should I Leave My Good Job to Pursue My Artistic Dreams?’
Articles I Wrote:
6 Brutal Lessons on Love That I Learned in My 20’s
How To Tell If You’re In A One-Sided Relationship