Hey hopeful romantic,
Have you ever heard things like “when you’re with the right person, you’ll know?” or “if you’re with ‘the one,’ you’ll never have doubt?”
Those are romantic thoughts, but they’re far from realistic for people on the anxious side.
Hell, I can’t even order a coffee without second-guessing my choice. How in the world am I supposed to feel zero nerves when choosing a life partner?
Instead of trying to rid yourself of any anxiety and doubt, a better choice is to learn how to differentiate between your intuition and your anxiety.
But first: I’m hosting a live Valentine’s Day show tonight at 5:30 pm PST!
We’ll hang out, swap stories, talk about what our perfect V-day’s are, and I’ll share some V-day horror stories people wrote in!
Plus, I’ll be taking donations to raise money for Lumina Alliance and their fight to end domestic violence.
Sound like fun?
See you tonight!
A critical difference between anxiety and intuition is the source of them both. Anxiety is rooted in fear. Intuition is rooted in connectedness between your inner and outer world.
If you’re stuck on whether a thought, worry, or situation is your anxiety or intuition, ask yourself this: is this momentary, or is it ongoing?
Anxiety comes up when we’re triggered. Our body is hot, and we become scared or angry.
It’s also present in the moments we feel like we “should” or “need” to do something. Those words are not your friend when you struggle with relationship doubt or an anxious attachment.
Intuition is much lighter. It’s a calm knowing. It’s a sudden feeling that something isn’t right, even if there was no specific trigger.
Think of anxiety as a bunch of symptoms, including racing thoughts. Intuition is much more feeling-based.
Another great option to differentiate between anxiety and a gut-feeling is strengthening your intuition.
I recently talked with my friend, Ali, because I wanted to feel more connected to my intuition in general. She suggested asking myself, throughout the day, what I needed or wanted to do.
To give you a real-world example: I’d been wanting to listen to an audiobook while walking with my dog, but when evening rolled around, I was EXHAUSTED.
I kept putting it off.
But by asking myself in the morning what I need every day, I decided to take a mid-day walk.
That might seem like an unimportant decision, but it’s tiny steps like those that strengthen that connection to our inner wisdom.
Next time you’re feeling uncertain, anxious, or uninspired, stop and take a few breaths. Listen to that feeling inside you, and don’t second guess it.
Until next week!
All the love,
My Links:
If you want to feel more secure in your love life, check out my Anxious Attachment Workshop.
Did you know I wrote a book about love? Grab your copy here.
Check out my live dating show every Thursday at 5:30 pm PST!
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Hi! I’m Kirstie
I help anxious people who don’t feel good enough for love understand their worth and find fulfilling love.
For over a decade, I was in one relationship after another with people who mistreated me or were emotionally unavailable. All of that ended when I took a year break from dating and read a book called Attached.
Learning about attachment styles changed my life. It opened doors like discovering my lack of boundaries and inability to ask for my needs to be met.
Today, I write and coach to help people through the same journey. You don’t have to feel so anxious, insecure, and uncertain when it comes to love.
I want to help you feel confident and find the love you deserve.
Want to learn more about working with me? Book a discovery call.